martes, 29 de mayo de 2012

Birding Southern Peru

1 comentario:

  1. A visit to the Manu, which extends from the High Andes to the Amazonian lowlands, is one of the world’s great birding journeys! Situated at the periphery of the upper Amazon basin, the splendid Manu National Park boasts the planet’s richest biological heritage. Spanning the entire humid east slope of the Andes and including vast tracts of adjacent Amazonian lowlands, it holds the astonishing number of over 1000 bird species, or more than ten percent of the world’s avifauna, within the boundaries of a single protected area!
    Manu is one of the wildest and remotest places on earth, it still holds noncontact tribes, the Maschopiros, that have never been contacted by outsiders and a multitude of rainforest creatures that form an intricate ecological network, the secrets of which man is only just starting to reveal. Habitats range from steamy lowland rainforests to luxuriant subtropical forests, moss-draped cloudforests and contorted elfin woodland at the treeline, each sheltering an entirely different set of birds...
